Kaitlin is visiting from Portland this week, and we've been busy busy busy! She's in town through Tuesday-- that's a 9-day trip-- so we've had lots of time to sightsee, work out and relax together. She happened to come during fall break (Thursday & Friday of this past week) so it's worked out perfectly. I've been so happy to take some time away from work & school and do some exploring! We've done a lot of the mandatory tourist stuff: French Quarter tour, plantation tour, Audubon and City Park, and, of course, lots and lots of eating. I've also been taking Kaitlin to spin classes, yoga & my favorite coffee shops. She's been a great houseguest, and we're happy just soaking up the sun & reading too.
We went to see a brass band, the Brass-a-holics, play a few nights ago. They put on a great show. (Also: please notice that for the first time in my life, I am the Tall Friend. These girls are so tiny that I'm actually bending down here)
Paddleboarding on Lake Pontchartrain! I feel like an old hand at paddleboarding at this point-- but paddling on the Lake was much harder than paddling on the Bayou! Here we are at the harbor:
We also went pedal boating at City Park! This one's been on my NOLA bucket list for a long time.
And here we are at Audubon Park! It's been absolutely perfect weather this week, 75 degrees & breezy with no humidity.
And at the Plantation! It's fun to be in these pictures, because I'm usually the one one taking them :)
That's it for now! We're going to the Seafood Festival later today to hear some good music & get some more good stuff to eat!